Your Book Your Story with Dr Barker

S1 E2: What Success Looks Like - Dr Marck Abraham (His Story - His Book)

Megel Barker Season 1 Episode 2
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00:00 | 26:27

Meet Dr Marck Abraham.

Dr Abraham is a successful High School Principal from Buffalo New York. As an educator, he built a track record of turning underperforming schools around by improving "the graduation rates of Black and Brown children". His book: What Success Looks Like,  connects Dr Abraham's research with his lived experience, where he successfully implemented the strategies in order to raise attainment. In this episode, you will hear about the "NOs" he received from publishers and the incredible work needed to market his "secret sauce".  This interview is full of energy and you will leave this episode fired up to make a difference. What Success Looks Like is available in all major publishing platforms and as Marck says, "holler at him" if you need more details. 

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