Your Book Your Story with Dr Barker
Your Book Your Story with Dr Barker
S1 E15: Trash Talk - Lillian Brummett
Today's author is Lillian Brummet, one half of the dynamic duo Lillian and Dave. Lillian is a passionate environmentally-conscious writer with many other strings to her bow. Our conversation traverses her foray into writing as well as delve into her tranquil escape living in BC. Her story will inspire you to find your quiet space and write. Her first book, Trash Talk, shares useful tips to turn trash into treasure. Check out the biography before and listen to our lovely conversation.
Lillian & Dave Brummet have been professional writers since 1999. To date, they have 6 published books, including the recent release: From One Small Garden - Over 300 Delicious, Nutritious Recipes! Dave is an accomplished musician, with more than 30 years experience teaching, performing and manufacturing drums and percussion.
As members of the media, the Brummets are experienced radio show hosts, product reviewers and bloggers. The two produced and hosted the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show for 10 years (2005-2015), which aired 3 times per week (1 hour, talk radio). Back in 2005-2007, Lillian also produced and hosted the Authors Read radio show featuring various authors reading from their published work.
Today the Brummets manage 2 popular blogs, a mesmerizing website & the Angle Hill drum studio. The main focus of their work is to inspire hope in individuals, helping people realize the value of their efforts and encouraging them to become more positive, proactive in life. Find us online via these landing pages:
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